
Showing posts with label bad behavior. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bad behavior. Show all posts

Parenting Advice: What to Do About Breaking a Child’s Bad Habits?

When it comes to bad habits, there are a few things that parents can do in order to help their children break them. 

First and foremost, it is important to be consistent with any consequences that are put in place for breaking the bad habit. For example, if a child is disrespectful and is told that they will lose screen time for a week as a consequence, then it is critical that the parent follows through with this consequence every single time the child is disrespectful. This will help the child understand that their actions have real-world consequences that they will have to face. 

It is also important for parents to provide solutions for their children whenever they break a bad habit. For example, if a child is being lazy and not doing their homework, the parent could sit down with them and help them come up with a plan to get their work done. This could involve setting up a specific time each day for homework, setting smaller goals to avoid feeling overwhelmed, and providing incentives for completing tasks.

Finally, it is helpful for parents to lead by example when it comes to breaking bad habits. If a parent is trying to get their child to stop watching inappropriate shows, then the parent should also avoid watching these types of shows themselves. This will send the message to the child that these types of behaviors are not acceptable.

Bad habits can be difficult to break, but with consistency, parenting solutions, and leading by example, parents can help their children overcome them.

The Trouble With Parents

Like most parents, my partner and I work hard to develop our children into healthy, well adjusted people. We want them to have the skills to persue whatever objectives they choose for themselves in this world.

None of us are perfect parents and we all learn from the past. The purpose of this article is to pass on one of our experiences. It had a profound effect on the way we approach the parenting game.

A few years ago, our two children were aged two and four. Over a period of weeks one of our boys had become increasingly naughty. His behaviour was rubbing off on his brother. Mum and dad had explored the usual discipline options but nothing seemed to work.

Eventually, as my partner and I discussed the boys behaviour, we decided that there must be a trigger. If we could find it, we thought we could perhaps effect a change for the better.

We wound back the clock to the time when the behaviour change emerged, then looked at what we had all been doing at around that time.

As it turned out, the onset corresponded with a time when my job was being restructured and my partner was as worried as I about the outcome. We were both focussed on ourselves and quite naturally were exhibiting signs of stress.

The result of this pressure, was that we had very little time for our children and they were not getting the attention they needed from us.

We decided to try an experiment. We set aside all our other priorities for the weekend and spend time with boys. Nothing special, just being with them and giving them quality time.

Their behaviours changed almost instantly. And it was a change for the better.

This small experience had a profound effect on the way we approach parenting. We learned that the behaviours of our children are significantly affected by our own behaviours.

We are now a lot more careful about the amount of time we spend with our boys. When there is a behavioural change from them, we look to ourselves first then check the external influences before we choose a course of action.

Parenting is a wonderful journey, full of twists turns and surprises. I hope that by sharing this small part of our life it will help you in yours.

Brian Pratt is a 47 year old New Zealander. He owns a Plug-In Profit Site at If you are looking for a home business be sure to check out his site. You can contact Brian at

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