Often, a mother about to deliver her babies is accompanied by an excited husband or even other family members who are eager to see the new bundle of joy. Some who have not seen newborn babies may worry about the scrunched face and squint eyes. They would probably count the toes and check every tiny part to make sure that the baby is more than alright but just perfect. Of course, no matter what the baby looks like, families should welcome him with great warmth and love. Here are some of the things that families can expect from newborn babies:
Not ad-ready
Your newborn may be naturally cute to you, as a parent, but face it: your baby will not win a spot in a television ad from the time he is born. He will still be wrinkly like a little old person and reddish, as if he has come out from a reddish muck - which is not really that far from the truth.
Possibly with strange colored eyes
Some people are not born with the eye colors that they will have when they are all grown up. Caucasian babies may start with blue eyes that will eventually turn brown or green, or remain blue. Other babies may be born with brown eyes that will turn darker as they grow up.
With hair or none
Do not worry if your baby is born with little or no hair. Some babies are born like that but eventually have thick hair as they grow. Other babies may have a full head of hair when they come out. Some blond babies may have darker hair when they are older.
By Donna F. Houston
Are you looking for more information on newborn babies? Visit http://developmentbabytoys.com today for more information.
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Showing posts with label newborn eyes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label newborn eyes. Show all posts
What Does Your Newborn See In His First Few Days
A young baby is aware of a lot more then we used to think in the past. In fact some of the capabilities of very young children are astonishing. In the “Good Old Days” people thought that a newborn was almost blind. They thought a baby couldn't focus and was more or less colorblind. Meaning that a newborn is only aware of a fuzzy colorless world. We know now that this is not the case.
A newborn is not that little being focused only on himself and his own needs, like hunger, thirst, and other discomfort. From day 1 a newborn is fairly alert, interested and aware of what is happening in his surroundings. He is capable of experiencing and very interested about what is going on is his world. Contrary to old beliefs a baby is able to focus on objects and people that are about 10 inches away. Things that are closer of further away are out of focus, if this were different our newborn would be highly intimidated by the multitude of stimuli. If a child can see color from the moment its born is still unknown, but chances are that he can. And if not he or she will learn in a very short while.
A natural preference for faces
So your baby sees the same things you see, but of course has no idea about its meaning. That's something he has to learn. Still very young children have a clear cut preference for certain objects. He or she will stare (or gaze if you will) to more complicated and will show more interest to moving then to static objects. This is one of the reasons your face is so enormously interesting to him. The eye contact that he is capable of during the first few days is very important for the development of his social skills.
Your baby is programmed so to speak to find your face attractive and inviting. As his interest in your face grows, his interest in the rest of the human species will grow with it.
It takes about 8 months before your baby is really capable of recognizing your face, at that point he or she will temporarily be scared by unfamiliar faces.
Linfa, mother of two is an inspired author of http://www.baby-strollers-guide.com/ and http://www.baby-product-guides.com/
A newborn is not that little being focused only on himself and his own needs, like hunger, thirst, and other discomfort. From day 1 a newborn is fairly alert, interested and aware of what is happening in his surroundings. He is capable of experiencing and very interested about what is going on is his world. Contrary to old beliefs a baby is able to focus on objects and people that are about 10 inches away. Things that are closer of further away are out of focus, if this were different our newborn would be highly intimidated by the multitude of stimuli. If a child can see color from the moment its born is still unknown, but chances are that he can. And if not he or she will learn in a very short while.
A natural preference for faces
So your baby sees the same things you see, but of course has no idea about its meaning. That's something he has to learn. Still very young children have a clear cut preference for certain objects. He or she will stare (or gaze if you will) to more complicated and will show more interest to moving then to static objects. This is one of the reasons your face is so enormously interesting to him. The eye contact that he is capable of during the first few days is very important for the development of his social skills.
Your baby is programmed so to speak to find your face attractive and inviting. As his interest in your face grows, his interest in the rest of the human species will grow with it.
It takes about 8 months before your baby is really capable of recognizing your face, at that point he or she will temporarily be scared by unfamiliar faces.
Linfa, mother of two is an inspired author of http://www.baby-strollers-guide.com/ and http://www.baby-product-guides.com/
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