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Showing posts with label bored children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bored children. Show all posts
Children’s Summer Camps - Frequently Asked Questions
Summer camp programs can be a wonderful experience for all children if you chose the right camp for them. If you follow certain guidelines, you can help your child have the best experience possible. These steps involve ‘choosing the right type of camp’, checking out the ‘facilities and staff’, and preparing your child for the upcoming children’s summer camp.
The idea of a youth summer camp can induce strong emotions on the part of parents and children. These sensations run the gamut from ‘excitement and fun’ to ‘fear and anxiety’. In many social circles it is a status symbol or a family tradition. The correct reason for providing the camp experience is if it is ‘in the best interest of the child’.
Deciding to camp or not to camp—How does a parent determine what is ‘in the best interest of the child?’ Some questions parents should ask themselves are: -
Are the summer camp activities being used to solve a childcare problem?
Is this an opportunity for my child to learn, grow and experience life in a unique way?
Is my child a risk taker?
Does my child enjoy new experiences even before I am ready to provide them?
Has my child enjoyed overnight experiences with family or friends?
Does my child have friends who attend camp?
Will camp provide prospects for my child to enjoy ‘favorite activities’?
What will be the expenditure for a moderate or super ‘kids summer camp’? Can I bear the burden?
If you answered ‘yes’ to questions two through eight you have it made. If you answered ‘yes’ to question one only, the odds of success are slim. If you answered ‘yes’ to at least four of questions two through eight, the odds are optimal for a successful traditional summer camp experience.
Selecting the right camp to support the interests of your child should be your main aim. Your child wants to camp, but you may have concerns. Be careful not to convey your concerns.
We offer the leading summer camp program source. Check it out only on the youth summer camps planet. All about summer camps on http://www.leandernet.com
The idea of a youth summer camp can induce strong emotions on the part of parents and children. These sensations run the gamut from ‘excitement and fun’ to ‘fear and anxiety’. In many social circles it is a status symbol or a family tradition. The correct reason for providing the camp experience is if it is ‘in the best interest of the child’.
Deciding to camp or not to camp—How does a parent determine what is ‘in the best interest of the child?’ Some questions parents should ask themselves are: -
Are the summer camp activities being used to solve a childcare problem?
Is this an opportunity for my child to learn, grow and experience life in a unique way?
Is my child a risk taker?
Does my child enjoy new experiences even before I am ready to provide them?
Has my child enjoyed overnight experiences with family or friends?
Does my child have friends who attend camp?
Will camp provide prospects for my child to enjoy ‘favorite activities’?
What will be the expenditure for a moderate or super ‘kids summer camp’? Can I bear the burden?
If you answered ‘yes’ to questions two through eight you have it made. If you answered ‘yes’ to question one only, the odds of success are slim. If you answered ‘yes’ to at least four of questions two through eight, the odds are optimal for a successful traditional summer camp experience.
Selecting the right camp to support the interests of your child should be your main aim. Your child wants to camp, but you may have concerns. Be careful not to convey your concerns.
We offer the leading summer camp program source. Check it out only on the youth summer camps planet. All about summer camps on http://www.leandernet.com
Summer Safety Tips For Children
Summer is a fun time, but it’s also a time when a lot of accidents happen. Here are some ways to keep your children safe this summer.
Water safety.
If you have a pool or plan to be around the water at all, then make sure you’ve got all security devices in place. All gates must be locked, and alarms installed, especially if you have non-swimming children at home.
Some general simple rules for children around any body of water are:
1. No running or horseplay near the pool.
2. Kids only swim with an adult watching them.
3. Make sure your children are taking swim lessons that teach, not only the basic strokes, but also survival strokes and basic water safety as well. All American Red Cross certified programs incorporate water safety into their swim lessons.
4. Of course, if lightening is possible, leave the water until the weather risk passes.
5. If your children are swimming in the ocean, follow the flag warnings and be cautious of the tides.
Sun safety.
No matter how old we are or how careful we are, that sun will surprise us and we’ll suffer a burn.
Some simple rules to keep your children safe in the sun are:
1. Always apply sun screen – even if it’s a cloudy day.
2. Have your kids wear a t-shirt and hat if they have fair skin.
3. Make sure you have water proof sunblock on your kids if they’re in the water.
4. Apply sunscreen often, especially if your kids have fair skin or are playing in water.
5. Provide your children with plenty of water, juice, or popsicles. Keep them hydrated to help prevent heat stroke.
Bicycle safety.
Some simple rules to keep your children safe on their bikes are:
1. A helmet is a must. Ask any nurse in any Emergency Room and you’ll find out why.
2. If you’ve got a child who daydreams, wear a whistle around your neck when you go on a bike ride together. If you see him or her being unsafe, you can blow the whistle. This is much more effective than trying to yell.
3. Look for bike paths in the woods. These allow your child to ride freely without the hazards of traffic. Pack a picnic lunch and make a day of it.
So many life-changing accidents are preventable. Make it a safe -- and a fun summer!
Nicole Dean invites you to http://www.ShowKidstheFun.com -- a free website filled with activities to make memories with your children and http://www.ShowMomtheMoney.com -- a fun and informative resource for moms who want to make money from home.
Water safety.
If you have a pool or plan to be around the water at all, then make sure you’ve got all security devices in place. All gates must be locked, and alarms installed, especially if you have non-swimming children at home.
Some general simple rules for children around any body of water are:
1. No running or horseplay near the pool.
2. Kids only swim with an adult watching them.
3. Make sure your children are taking swim lessons that teach, not only the basic strokes, but also survival strokes and basic water safety as well. All American Red Cross certified programs incorporate water safety into their swim lessons.
4. Of course, if lightening is possible, leave the water until the weather risk passes.
5. If your children are swimming in the ocean, follow the flag warnings and be cautious of the tides.
Sun safety.
No matter how old we are or how careful we are, that sun will surprise us and we’ll suffer a burn.
Some simple rules to keep your children safe in the sun are:
1. Always apply sun screen – even if it’s a cloudy day.
2. Have your kids wear a t-shirt and hat if they have fair skin.
3. Make sure you have water proof sunblock on your kids if they’re in the water.
4. Apply sunscreen often, especially if your kids have fair skin or are playing in water.
5. Provide your children with plenty of water, juice, or popsicles. Keep them hydrated to help prevent heat stroke.
Bicycle safety.
Some simple rules to keep your children safe on their bikes are:
1. A helmet is a must. Ask any nurse in any Emergency Room and you’ll find out why.
2. If you’ve got a child who daydreams, wear a whistle around your neck when you go on a bike ride together. If you see him or her being unsafe, you can blow the whistle. This is much more effective than trying to yell.
3. Look for bike paths in the woods. These allow your child to ride freely without the hazards of traffic. Pack a picnic lunch and make a day of it.
So many life-changing accidents are preventable. Make it a safe -- and a fun summer!
Nicole Dean invites you to http://www.ShowKidstheFun.com -- a free website filled with activities to make memories with your children and http://www.ShowMomtheMoney.com -- a fun and informative resource for moms who want to make money from home.
Awesome Strategies For Unmotivated, Apathetic, Bored Students
Teachers, they don't give you motivation-makers when you are in college. It takes about 2 minutes in the classroom to realize that you could have really used courses on motivating the motionless. From our popular workshops, books and posters, here are just a few of our favorite motivation-makers that you will use everyday.
** For kids who often complain about where they ended up, you can encourage them to "bloom where they are planted." This is a wonderful intervention for foster kids in particular.
** For kids who can't imagine ever having a positive future, or any future at all, ask them to write a letter to you as though it was the year 2045. In the letter, the youth can describe what happened to them since they last saw you. For non-writers, they can draw or make an audiotape instead of writing, or, you can write for them.
** For kids who are "wrapped in barbed wire," their apathy and harshness hiding a very gentle and vulnerable child, ask them to decide which they would rather have: "a bruised heart or a boxed heart?"
** When you ask a child what they want to be when they grow up, and you hear back, "I don't care," instead of confronting that, say back: "Well, if you did care..." This potent intervention detours beautifully around answers that normally would keep the child from even speculating about positive outcomes. The child gets to hang onto their discouragement while doing the work that you wanted them to do. This unusal intervention works with nearly any answer that a child gives you. For example, when the child says "I don't know what I want to be when I grow up," you can respond with "Well, if you did know..."
** For kids who can't imagine a future that is positive, have them make their "Future Homes and Gardens" using art supplies. They can draw floor plans or design rooms of their future dream home. You may be surprised at the results you get from the most sullen and resentful kids.
** For counselors, social workers and mental health workers only to use (carefully) to better "open up" very defensive, apathetic youth, this next intervention is very powerful. Ask the child to make a life line. They make the life line by writing their major life events on file cards. Next, they string the cards onto a piece of ribbon or string. This is their life line. If you doubt the effectiveness of this intervention, make your own life line. If you aren't moved by the experience, you must have had an easy life. Only clinicians should use this devices as it must be used with extreme care as it can stir up much emotion in some children. Avoid this exercise with depressed kids.
** For kids that complain that school is boring, I'll just go on welfare, respond, "Yes, you are right. School is boring. Nothing like the excitement of the welfare office line." This intervention is not for every kid; use it only with youth who would respond to this type of humorous, edgy intervention.
** For kids who view school or job training as a waste of their time, have them list their current job skills, then have them determine where their skills will fit best: in the current or past century. Teach kids that 80% of the jobs that will exist for them are not even known yet. These jobs will require computer skills, math skills, writing skills etc. Do their skills fit that or jobs from the past?
** For kids who plan to use illegal activities as their source of future income, recap local, state and federal law. For example, depending on which laws they break, offenders can lose not only the money gained by illegal actions, but also their home, possessions and vehicles. Under some federal laws, the homes and possessions of relatives and friends may be seized even if these items weren't directly involved in the commission of the crime. Illegal activities are not as lucrative as your kids tell you. Auto theft generates about $18,000 per year, for example, far less than what a typical high school grad earns.
** For kids who insist crime is lucrative, have them guess the likely income from crime, then have them guess how much time in jail they will face, and the number of years they will have before being incarcerated. Then ask the youth to calculate how much they really earned. For example, if a youth earned $30,000 per year for 2 years before being incarcerated, then was jailed for 2 years, that works out to a just $15,000 per year, an amount that is vastly less than a high school grad earns. Plus, the grad's earnings cannot be confiscated but the offender's earnings can.
** For kids who plan to just rely on welfare, advise them to hurry and get on it fast before welfare goes away.
Get much more information on this topic at http://www.youthchg.com. Author Ruth Herman Wells MS is the director of Youth Change, (http://www.youthchg.com.) Sign up for her free Problem-Kid Problem-Solver magazine at the site and see hundreds more of her innovative methods. Ruth is the author of dozens of books and provides workshops and training.
** For kids who often complain about where they ended up, you can encourage them to "bloom where they are planted." This is a wonderful intervention for foster kids in particular.
** For kids who can't imagine ever having a positive future, or any future at all, ask them to write a letter to you as though it was the year 2045. In the letter, the youth can describe what happened to them since they last saw you. For non-writers, they can draw or make an audiotape instead of writing, or, you can write for them.
** For kids who are "wrapped in barbed wire," their apathy and harshness hiding a very gentle and vulnerable child, ask them to decide which they would rather have: "a bruised heart or a boxed heart?"
** When you ask a child what they want to be when they grow up, and you hear back, "I don't care," instead of confronting that, say back: "Well, if you did care..." This potent intervention detours beautifully around answers that normally would keep the child from even speculating about positive outcomes. The child gets to hang onto their discouragement while doing the work that you wanted them to do. This unusal intervention works with nearly any answer that a child gives you. For example, when the child says "I don't know what I want to be when I grow up," you can respond with "Well, if you did know..."
** For kids who can't imagine a future that is positive, have them make their "Future Homes and Gardens" using art supplies. They can draw floor plans or design rooms of their future dream home. You may be surprised at the results you get from the most sullen and resentful kids.
** For counselors, social workers and mental health workers only to use (carefully) to better "open up" very defensive, apathetic youth, this next intervention is very powerful. Ask the child to make a life line. They make the life line by writing their major life events on file cards. Next, they string the cards onto a piece of ribbon or string. This is their life line. If you doubt the effectiveness of this intervention, make your own life line. If you aren't moved by the experience, you must have had an easy life. Only clinicians should use this devices as it must be used with extreme care as it can stir up much emotion in some children. Avoid this exercise with depressed kids.
** For kids that complain that school is boring, I'll just go on welfare, respond, "Yes, you are right. School is boring. Nothing like the excitement of the welfare office line." This intervention is not for every kid; use it only with youth who would respond to this type of humorous, edgy intervention.
** For kids who view school or job training as a waste of their time, have them list their current job skills, then have them determine where their skills will fit best: in the current or past century. Teach kids that 80% of the jobs that will exist for them are not even known yet. These jobs will require computer skills, math skills, writing skills etc. Do their skills fit that or jobs from the past?
** For kids who plan to use illegal activities as their source of future income, recap local, state and federal law. For example, depending on which laws they break, offenders can lose not only the money gained by illegal actions, but also their home, possessions and vehicles. Under some federal laws, the homes and possessions of relatives and friends may be seized even if these items weren't directly involved in the commission of the crime. Illegal activities are not as lucrative as your kids tell you. Auto theft generates about $18,000 per year, for example, far less than what a typical high school grad earns.
** For kids who insist crime is lucrative, have them guess the likely income from crime, then have them guess how much time in jail they will face, and the number of years they will have before being incarcerated. Then ask the youth to calculate how much they really earned. For example, if a youth earned $30,000 per year for 2 years before being incarcerated, then was jailed for 2 years, that works out to a just $15,000 per year, an amount that is vastly less than a high school grad earns. Plus, the grad's earnings cannot be confiscated but the offender's earnings can.
** For kids who plan to just rely on welfare, advise them to hurry and get on it fast before welfare goes away.
Get much more information on this topic at http://www.youthchg.com. Author Ruth Herman Wells MS is the director of Youth Change, (http://www.youthchg.com.) Sign up for her free Problem-Kid Problem-Solver magazine at the site and see hundreds more of her innovative methods. Ruth is the author of dozens of books and provides workshops and training.
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