
Why Do We Want Children

Why do we want children? To answer this question from a deep spiritual level and not from some careless place of opinions influenced by the world around us, we want them, in fact some of us need them, because they are our legacy. Think about that for a moment.

Legacy is defined as something left to a person by will, inheritance or request. It is also defined as something that has come from an ancestor or predecessor or the past, according to the Webster’s New Ideal Dictionary. Now apply that definition to why we want children? We desire to have them because in everything we do to contribute to this world materially, it just isn’t enough for some people, to die and not leave a human life.

How awesome is this concept! It doesn’t matter to those who desire children to see them in the store crying out loud for a bottle, screaming to play with a toy in aisle four or running away from mom in a dangerous parking lot. People who truly love children and want to give back to a supernatural power that gave them life understand the significance. Of course, there are those individuals who want children for selfish reasons such as using them to accomplish dreams that they chose not to pursue, didn’t qualify for or simply failed at, a tax write-off, or to abuse or misuse because of some deep mental illness. Whatever the reason, children are meant to be here on planet earth to pick up where we left off. All are born and pre-programmed with a divine plan and it is up to parents to find out what their talents are and direct them on how to best utilize them to make the world a better place. However, when parents ignore their responsibilities by involving themselves with so much activity outside of raising their children, they fail them from the start. There are those exceptions; however, when children are given everything and still miss out on their divine calling. Once that has occurred, a parent can only focus on the fact that he or she did the best that they could. Parents should make themselves available to provide wisdom and support, when necessary, to get his or her adult child back on track.

As for those people who don’t and will never have children, there are so many ways that they can be a part of the legacy. They can assist another who has children by offering to care for them, provide for children whose parents can’t raise them, and support them by counseling or educating them. The sky is the limit! There is no commandment anywhere that states, “Thou must have children.” It doesn’t matter how one interprets the Bible or any other book, this is not a requirement and if it were, wouldn’t everyone be able to have children from their own bodies?

Children are our legacy -- an inheritance to this world. They are more powerful than money, real estate, businesses and cars. When children are carefully studied, anyone can see something within their self that is flawed and needs to be changed. Why do you think we get nervous around talkative children?

Children are a reminder of our innocence when we were young and provide us the answers on how to achieve that inner joy we once had. Why do you think we easily fall in love with a child’s laughter? They are our beginning and end, a glimpse of the history of our ancestors to arouse our own curiosity and a conclusion of what we could have been and seen if we would have been a little more adventurous.

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