
20 Things Parents Can Do with Children who are Bored that Don't Cost Money

Relying on others to entertain your children is expensive isn't it? So for the family who has a limited budget it is always a good idea to watch spending and come up with other ways to enjoy time with your family. These ideas kept boredom away on most days. Here are 20 tips that might help. Most of these I have done with my four sons during long school breaks.

1. Engage in imaginative play: Encourage your children to use their creativity and imagination by engaging in pretend play. This could involve building forts, playing dress-up, or creating a make-believe world.

2. Go on a nature walk: Take your children on a walk in a nearby park or nature reserve. Explore the outdoors, point out different plants and animals, and encourage them to observe and ask questions about their surroundings.

3. Cook or bake together: Involve your children in the kitchen by allowing them to help with age-appropriate tasks such as measuring ingredients, stirring, or decorating. Cooking and baking can be a fun and educational activity that also yields delicious results.

4. Have a family game night: Gather the family and have a game night with board games, card games, or even video games. This not only helps pass the time but also promotes bonding and friendly competition.

5. Create art and crafts: Provide your children with art supplies such as paints, crayons, paper, and glue. Encourage them to create artwork or engage in simple craft projects. This can be a great way for them to express themselves and develop their artistic skills.

6. Read books together: Choose a book that suits your child's age and reading level and read it aloud together. You can take turns reading, discuss the story, and even act out scenes from the book.

7. Set up a scavenger hunt: Create a scavenger hunt around your home or in the backyard. Give your children a list of items or clues to find and let them explore and search for the hidden treasures.

8. Plan a family movie night: Let your children take turns choosing a movie and set up a cozy movie night at home. Prepare popcorn or snacks, dim the lights, and enjoy the movie together as a family.

9. Visit a local museum or exhibition: Check if there are any child-friendly museums or exhibitions in your area and take your children on a learning adventure. Many museums offer interactive exhibits and hands-on activities specifically designed for kids.

10. Teach them a new skill or hobby: Use the opportunity to teach your children a new skill or introduce them to a hobby. It could be anything from learning to play a musical instrument, knitting, gardening, or even basic coding. By engaging in activities like these, you can help them discover new interests and develop their talents.

11. Have a family dance party: Clear some space in your living room, put on some music, and have a dance party with your children. It's a fun and energetic way to get moving and enjoy some quality time together.

12. Build a blanket fort: Use blankets, pillows, and furniture to create a cozy fort in your living room or bedroom. Let your children's imaginations run wild as they design and decorate their own secret hideaway.

13. Host a family talent show: Encourage your children to showcase their talents, whether it's singing, dancing, telling jokes, or performing magic tricks. Everyone can participate, and it's a great opportunity to cheer each other on and have a good laugh.

14. Plan a backyard picnic: Pack some snacks or sandwiches, grab a blanket, and have a picnic in your backyard. Enjoy the fresh air and sunshine while having a relaxed meal together.

15. Organize a treasure hunt: Create a treasure hunt by hiding small objects or clues around your home or backyard. Provide your children with a list or series of riddles to solve, leading them to the hidden treasures.

16. Teach them card games: Teach your children simple card games like Go Fish, Crazy Eights, or War. Card games are easy to learn and can provide hours of entertainment for the whole family.

17. Have a storytelling session: Sit in a circle and take turns telling stories. You can start with a sentence or a theme and let each person add to the story. It's a fun and imaginative activity that sparks creativity and storytelling skills. I took this a step further as my third son and fourth son got older. Here is an example: 

18. Do a DIY science experiment: Look up simple science experiments online using household items. Engage your children in hands-on learning by conducting experiments like making a volcano erupt with baking soda and vinegar or creating a homemade lava lamp.

19. Play charades: Write down different activities, movies, or objects on small pieces of paper and put them in a hat. Take turns picking a paper and acting out the word or phrase while others try to guess. It's a lively and interactive game that requires no additional props.

20. Create a family scrapbook: Gather old magazines, newspapers, scissors, and glue. Sit together and cut out pictures, words, or phrases that represent special memories or interests. Help your children arrange and glue them onto a large piece of paper or a scrapbook, creating a personalized family keepsake.

Remember, the most important aspect is spending quality time together and nurturing the bond with your children, regardless of the cost of the activity. Now that two of the four sons are adults, I have checked in with the guys to get their feedback about those many school breaks and all the fun stuff we have done. What was most important to them was being with me and sharing quality time with the rest of the family no matter what we did. They mention they enjoyed playing games and going outside to play the most before they started spending more time playing video games. 

Make great memories Moms and Dads!
Have a fun summer!

Nicholl is the manager and blog owner feel free to fill out the contact form for business inquiries. Check our more blog posts about parenting When Mothers Cry 

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